.(English below)
La dynamique de mise en place de la phase I du Programme
d’Incubateurs d’entreprises pour les jeunes du Mali se poursuit. Des avancées
notoires sont enregistrées quand aux activités préparatoires de la mise en
place des volets « Coaching » et « Business Club ». Notre Équipe
travaille quotidiennement à la consolidation de ces acquis. Cette dynamique a favorisé la pérennisation du
Business Club Activity malgré la non finalisation à ce jour de son Schéma opérationnel.
Ainsi tous les Samedi les sessions du Business Club animées par nos Cadres
techniques et Experts invités inspirent des jeunes porteurs de projets ou
d’idées de projets.
Déjà deux jeunes se sont distingués par la manifestation de
leur choix de prendre en main leur destin.
Djiby Sidibé est un diplômé de la Faculté des Lettres et
Sciences Humaines de Bamako, il a choisi de ne pas considérer son diplôme. Il
s’est engagé dans l’Agri business à travers des activités de maraichage dans
une exploitation sise à Baguineda (30km de Bamako). Grâce à son assiduité aux
sessions du Business Club, Djiby est de plus en plus déterminé dans son choix
du fait du renforcement perpétuel de ses capacités opérationnelles.
Ousmane Koné est Comptable de formation. Après un passage éclair
dans les Mines, le Business Club lui a permis de fortifier son choix sur la
voix de l’autonomisation. Il s’est engagé aussi dans l’Agro-business à travers
une exploitation agricole de 5 hectares acquise à Zantiebougou (environ 200 km
au Sud-est de Bamako sur la Route de sikasso). Pour démarrer son Business, Il vient juste de défricher
et de labourer une superficie d’un hectare
pour la présente campagne agricole.
Djiby et Ousmane ont eu la chance de venir dans le
Starting-block comme les deux premiers entrepreneurs du Programme national
d’incubateurs d’entreprises pour les jeunes du Mali. D’autres idées de projets de jeunes sont en
cours de maturation. Ce Programme décennal a pour ambition la création, le
renforcement et le référencement de 5000 entreprises.
Nous sommes encore plus confortés dans notre choix de
concevoir ce Programme et fortifiés dans notre foi en la Jeunesse de pouvoir
prendre en main son destin.
Par vos réactions positives, venez vous joindre à nous pour aider
le Gouvernement à relever le défi de la lutte contre le chômage des jeunes. Nos
résultats à ce stade préparatoire, avant même la mise en place effective du
Programme, sont de très bons augures.
Oui, YES est une
The dynamics of implementation of the first
Phase of the Business Incubators Program for Malians Youth continues. Huge
progresses are being recorded about the preparatory activities for the
implementation of "Coaching" and "Business Club" components.
Our core team is working to consolidate these gains. Despite the Business Club
activity flowchart didn’t yet finalized, the current dynamic has contributed to
its sustainability. So every Saturday Business Club sessions are being hosted
by our technical managers and invited Experts and inspire young people
designing project or project ideas.
Already two young people are distinguished by the expression of their choice to take control of their destiny.
Djiby Sidibé is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences in Bamako, he chose not to consider his degree. He engaged in Agribusiness through gardening activities in a farm located in Baguineda (30km from Bamako). Through his attendance at meetings of the Business Club, Djiby is more determined in his choice because of the constant strengthening of its operational abilities.
Ousmane Kone is accountant by training. After a short time working in Mining, Business Club allowed him to strengthen his choice on the voice of empowerment for self-employment. He also engaged in Agro-business through a 5 hectares land acquired in Zantiébougou (about 200 km south-east of Bamako- in the Road of Sikasso). To start his business, he just cleared and tilled an area of one hectare for the current crop year.
Djiby and Ousmane have got the chance to come in the Starting-block as the first two entrepreneurs of the National Business Incubation Program for young people of Mali. Other young people’s project ideas are maturing. This Ten year program aims to create, strengthen 5000 companies.
We are being more and more confirmed in our choice to design this program and are strengthened in our faith in the Youth to take control of their destiny.
By your positive feedback, please join us in helping the Government to undertake the challenge of the fight against youth unemployment. Our results in this preparatory stage, even before the actual implementation of the program, are very good omens.
YES is a solution.
Already two young people are distinguished by the expression of their choice to take control of their destiny.
Djiby Sidibé is a graduate of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences in Bamako, he chose not to consider his degree. He engaged in Agribusiness through gardening activities in a farm located in Baguineda (30km from Bamako). Through his attendance at meetings of the Business Club, Djiby is more determined in his choice because of the constant strengthening of its operational abilities.
Ousmane Kone is accountant by training. After a short time working in Mining, Business Club allowed him to strengthen his choice on the voice of empowerment for self-employment. He also engaged in Agro-business through a 5 hectares land acquired in Zantiébougou (about 200 km south-east of Bamako- in the Road of Sikasso). To start his business, he just cleared and tilled an area of one hectare for the current crop year.
Djiby and Ousmane have got the chance to come in the Starting-block as the first two entrepreneurs of the National Business Incubation Program for young people of Mali. Other young people’s project ideas are maturing. This Ten year program aims to create, strengthen 5000 companies.
We are being more and more confirmed in our choice to design this program and are strengthened in our faith in the Youth to take control of their destiny.
By your positive feedback, please join us in helping the Government to undertake the challenge of the fight against youth unemployment. Our results in this preparatory stage, even before the actual implementation of the program, are very good omens.
YES is a solution.
YES Country leader, Mali
po box: 03 BP 237 BKO 03
Tel (00223) 66748807
(00223) 76184178
Headquarters: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Country Office: 517, Rue 136 - Korofina Nord(opposite Centre de Santé de reference)
Bamako Republic of Mali
slt tout le monde je suis vraiment heureux d'etre parmis vous a yes business club
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