après jour l’évolution des préparatifs de la mise en place du Programme
décennal d’incubateurs d’entreprises pour les jeunes du mali nous
révèle des faits inespérés. Chacun
de ces faits est hautement galvanisant et de nature à nous Conforter
dans notre choix d’aller dans l‘aventure de cette expérience innovante
pour la lutte contre le chômage des jeunes.
la tenue, le 26 janvier 2013, de la session inaugurale du « Business
Club activity », cette activité a suscité un engouement matérialisé par
l’enregistrement d’offres de collaboration d’Experts africains et
européens intervenant dans le domaine de l’emploi des jeunes. La
réflexion est en cours pour la mise en œuvre de ces collaborations très
précieuses pour un meilleur impact du Programme en termes de résultats.
C’est donc avec grande sérénité que nous travaillons à la consolidation
du Business Club et la finalisation de son Schéma opérationnel. En même
temps, nous avons entrepris la mise en place du
volet « Coaching » de la première phase du Programme, comme annoncé dans
notre publication précédente.
nous avons le plaisir de vous informer de la disponibilité d’un Expert
international de nationalité canadienne immédiatement opérationnel sur
le volet Coaching. Cet Expert de tres haut niveau accomplira au sein de
l’Équipe de coordination du Programme une fonction de Conseiller spécial
et jouera en même temps un rôle de « Super Coach » auprès de coachs
Quelle aubaine pour l’Équipe de YES Inc Mali !
Et quel élan d’amour pour la Jeunesse malienne!
Cette avancée tres significative nous autorise à vous annoncer les prochaines étapes dans le cadre de la mise en place du volet Coaching au sein du « Business Incubation Space » :
- Élaboration des Termes de référence relativement à la manifestation d’intérêt de coachs locaux;
- Validation des TDR par nos Experts indépendants;
- Formalisation d’accords de partenariats techniques et financiers;
- Appel public à manifestation d’intérêt de Coachs locaux.
à votre confiance inestimable et à votre engagement indispensable, le
présent Programme innovateur générera des modèles d’auto –emploi pour
les jeunes d’Afrique et d’ailleurs.
after day the progress of preparations for the implementation of the
Ten-Year Business incubators Program for Malian Youth reveals unexpected
facts. Each of these facts is highly galvanizing and Strengths us in
our choice to go on the adventure of this innovative experience aiming
to fight against youth unemployment.
Since the inaugural session of "Business Club activity" hold on 26 January 2013, this activity has generated enthusiasm evidenced by recording of many offers of collaboration from African and European experts working in the field of employment. A think tank is checking to find a way for implementing these valuable collaborations whose will ensure better impact of the Program in terms of results. So we are currently working out with great serenity to consolidate the Business Club and the completion of its flowchart. At the same time, we began implementing the "Coaching" part of the first phase of the Program, as announced in our previous publication.
Today, we are delighted to inform you about the availability of a Canadian citizen international expert immediately operational on the Coaching activity. The Senior Expert will be in charge to accomplish in the Program Coordination Team a function of Special Adviser and will play at the same time the role of "Super Coach" of local coaches.
What an opportunity for YES Inc Mali Team !
And what a surge of love for Malian youth!
This huge progress allows us to announce the next steps in the implementation of the Coaching component within the "Business Incubation Space":
- Development of Terms of Reference for selection of local coaches;
- Validation of Terms of Reference by our independent experts;
- Formalizing technical and financial partnerships agreements;
- Public call for expressions of interest from local coaches.
Thanks to your invaluable trust and your essential commitment, this innovative Program will generate self-employment models for young people in Africa and elsewhere.
Since the inaugural session of "Business Club activity" hold on 26 January 2013, this activity has generated enthusiasm evidenced by recording of many offers of collaboration from African and European experts working in the field of employment. A think tank is checking to find a way for implementing these valuable collaborations whose will ensure better impact of the Program in terms of results. So we are currently working out with great serenity to consolidate the Business Club and the completion of its flowchart. At the same time, we began implementing the "Coaching" part of the first phase of the Program, as announced in our previous publication.
Today, we are delighted to inform you about the availability of a Canadian citizen international expert immediately operational on the Coaching activity. The Senior Expert will be in charge to accomplish in the Program Coordination Team a function of Special Adviser and will play at the same time the role of "Super Coach" of local coaches.
What an opportunity for YES Inc Mali Team !
And what a surge of love for Malian youth!
This huge progress allows us to announce the next steps in the implementation of the Coaching component within the "Business Incubation Space":
- Development of Terms of Reference for selection of local coaches;
- Validation of Terms of Reference by our independent experts;
- Formalizing technical and financial partnerships agreements;
- Public call for expressions of interest from local coaches.
Thanks to your invaluable trust and your essential commitment, this innovative Program will generate self-employment models for young people in Africa and elsewhere.
Best regards
Kalilou DAMAYES Country leader, Mali
po box: 03 BP 237 BKO 03
Tel (00223) 66748807
(00223) 76184178
Headquarters: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Country Office: 517, Rue 136 - Korofina Nord(opposite Centre de Santé de reference)
Bamako Republic of Mali
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